Archive for February, 2010

Red Eye Alert

Posted: February 24, 2010 in HELP, household, Uncategorized, Unfortunate Events

As I have learned many times….the hard way……some innocently looking bottles of eye ‘solution’, ‘cleaner’, ‘re-wetting’, and ‘disinfecting’ drops……..can effect your eyes in many different ways, especially if you are just grabbing for any eye saving bottle of whatever in a matter of emergency.
Last week I had arrived from a LONG trip and Mr. DragonFly and I were going to dinner…….I was determined to NOT wear my glasses as I feel like a dork in them and save them only for emergencies, or extreme laziness…………
Anyway, my eyes were REALLY dry and I asked Mr. D if he had ‘re-wetting drops’…..he said no, but I was sure I saw a tiny bottle in my cabinet of the bathroom…….Ah Hah……Indeed I found said tiny bottle……How was to know it was actually poison??!! It looked like a re-wetting drop vile and so why would I feel the need to read further………..
Let me tell you why: The reason is is b/c this tiny vile of said ‘re-wetting’ drops was actually a “1 step to a daily protein remover’ and DEFINITELY NOT meant to be inserted directly into one’s eye.
Mr. DragonFly shook his head and acted as if I made a poor choice in assuming this was a ‘re-wetting vile’……..I responded by saying “How was I to know??……Really……the re-wetting bottle looks EXACTLY the same and it was in MY cabinet NOT yours”……..
Apparently this imposter was placed in ‘my’ cabinet by accident…………………
After realizing a partial mistake on his part— Mr. D further informed me to NOT put anything in my eye containing a red tip……This I found VERY useful information……………I had NO idea there was a warning or difference in color of ‘won’t make your eye hurt & water all night/ day” and ‘will make your eye feel better’
So all of you that are behind the times (I guess) and still wearing contacts and do not know this information I pass this VALUABLE information to you.


White Tips= Safe Red Tips= Danger

British Ghosts!!! maybe???

Posted: February 24, 2010 in dreams, ghosts, random, Uncategorized

While I was in Stratford, England (staying @ Shakespeare Hotel) I had a dream that a ghost entered my room. I was extremely tired and fell right into a deep sleep. Almost right away I had a dream that I heard someone try a key in my door. This hotel was older and still used the actually turn keys. I could hear the person attempt to fit the key into the keyhole, but I figured that the key would not work and they would realize that they were at the wrong room. But the key did work and they entered the room.
My room had a sitting area and then you would duck your head thru a passage to the bedroom. I could feel them standing in the sitting area, but figured they would realize someone was in the room and decide to get another room. Even though I was sleeping and lying in bed I could see the person in the sitting area…..It was just an illuminated white figure. I was so tired I thought that I would just wait for them to leave, b/c I did not want to get up. Obviously I was not feeling negative feelings about this person in my room, but it was becoming unsettling- Especially when they ducked thru the passage and stood right at the edge of my bedroom. I thought at that point….Jeez maybe they do not see me b/c I have the covers pulled over my head (I like to bundle up while I sleep). I still was adamant about not wanting to wake up and still felt that they would leave on their own.
Next thing I knew I could feel someone sit down on the bed on the opposite side of where I was sleeping. I could see the illuminated white figure with shoulder length blond hair looking down on me….she had a pleasant face, but I was still very afraid by feeling someone on the bed and especially looking at me. Feeling them on the bed I immediately woke myself up and was never able to go back to sleep.

Even though I never felt negative feelings about the figure, it was still unsettling. I wonder if ghosts do exist and if there really was one in my room. If so I wonder how it is that they choose the people to visit. Do they have positive feelings towards you?? Could you ever become friends with a ghost?? I mean I can’t imagine myself laughing and carrying on a light hearted conversation with a ghost nor have I ever heard of it.

Dear Diary….

Posted: February 16, 2010 in random, Uncategorized, when I was a kid

So I have received many comments about my blog posts being written very ‘stream of consciousness’….
Apparently I have always written this way– Judging by these 2 pages out of my Diary (especially the one on the right) I wrote when I was 7…..
Also, I was 7….so let’s not get into the spelling issue…….
(obviously you may have to click on image to see it better)

ok….well, whatever…..Mammogram….
Anyway, today I went for my FIRST ever mammogram….I was a ‘wee bit nervous’ b/c I had heard it HURTS and also….b/c besides me being ‘at the age’ one must get a mammogram (for first time) My last visit to Doc he found a lump, so my mammogram was ‘diagnostic’ = uh we REALLY want to CHECK out like EVERYTHING……
Um…ok….I mean I felt the lump @ time of visit but that was December and since then I haven’t really felt it….and dr. wasn’t SUPER worried so I was kind of like– yeah it’s probably cool, just good to get checked out and all.
In fact when checking in for mammogram they kept asking me ‘You have a lump?’ and EVERY time I rsponded w/ a self breast exam….which later when I went to sit amongst those in the waiting room was probably not normal…..I mean who just starts giving themselves a self breast exam, in public….as a response to a question.
So yeah, getting back to the Mammers Gram….first of all….didn’t hurt. I don’t know…maybe b/c I kind of have big boobs so they don’t have to conturt me too much to shove my lusciousness into ‘the machine’.
After that I had an Ultrasound…since I was considered ‘diagnostic’……so yeah, dr ultrasounded my breast for like forever so like I KNEW something was up….or she REALLY liked my boob. And end result was…..”Well, we would like to do a biopsy”…..they showed me whatever the fuck specialists see on that B&W screen and I was like….”uh huh” ok…..
They have assured me it is probably nothing to worry about…and I feel the same….BUT I sort of thought that when I went into the Mammogram… after it absorbed into my mind and I realized I am having a 2nd biopsy in 1 month I kind of started to feel weak.
There were a couple of breakdowns, I am not going to lie, but I think it is important to face certain emotions…and even though I AM a strong person I am not invicible and sometimes I have to get shit out.
I do feel optimistic….I do…..but yeah….it’s just a lot to absorb all @ once……
And this shit is NOT cheap either so that SUCKS……
Ok….but things are gonna be ok….Just thought you might like to know what is going on and that mammograms don’t hurt…(if your boobs are big enough to shove into the machine)
And to all you guys…..I KNOW *SEXY*…but whatever…..
Actually maybe next time I get a mammogram I will totally do a HOT photo shoot so you are not all — Aaahhh….mammograms= girl stuff—-
Um….I think that is all FOR NOW….maybe


Posted: February 3, 2010 in pets

Well Yiska was down to 1 egg…um…I think by Sunday. I let her keep her last egg until last night. She has been pretty good about sleeping in her cage away fromt he eggs, so I put her inside her cage and took the last egg off the top of the cage. By the way whenever she is awake she spends ALL her time on TOP of the cage.

If you look REAL close you can see the last newspaper I put down to make fun of him/her…but maybe not.
Anyway, this morning was “The Test” to see how this would go over. There seemed to be some initial confusion over where the egg was— a lot of looking around and some chirping…but rather quickly she settled into pre-maternal Yiska.
In other words she is interacting with her initial family again….she is talkative (meaning she chirps when I leave the room…she chirps when I am in the other room…..she chirps when I come back to the room…she chirps when I open the door to the outside)…..she likes her neck scratched again….and she is back to eating a lot and making messes again.
So, yes things ‘appear’ to be back to normal and hopefully the egg laying is over.

Yeah, sure this seems obvious….but it’s really something you don’t think about until you ACTUALLY make the mistake….and I prefer to learn the hard way…pretty much always.
When they FINALLY take you to ‘the room’ and you are just sitting there in ‘your gown’ TOTALLY HELPLESS….that is when you realize the Benefiber was a bad idea.
Do you re-dress and run to the bathroom, or just hope for the dr. to show up soon & hope for the best??
During this time you think….I am sure he has had worse situations…..
I haven’t had any kids but I am pretty sure LOTS of gross things happen during that process…..
My stomach gurgled for almost an hour before the dr FINALLY showed up but I made it through the ordeal w/o further embarrassing myself….except now I have shared this experience with all of you, which is probably ANOTHER mistake.
Needless to say I learned a lesson…and in case you are as stupid as me I though I would pass on my new life lesson to you