Archive for the ‘not that interesting’ Category

Newspaper Guy

Posted: October 16, 2011 in not that interesting, random, stupid shit

Ok…do you have a guy, at your grocery store, that tries handing out free newspapers?? I do and I feel bad for the guy because no one ever takes them….or even really looks at him and he is there doing this most times I have been to the store. So, yeah, finally I decided to take a paper….which obviously was a mistake, because obviously he is not just handing out free papers. He asks if I have a subscription to the paper to which I reply I do not….and then asks if I would like to sign up for one and, now I feel like I was just trying to get a free paper.
Somehow I become engaged in a debate on why I do not have a subscription to the paper….which my response was that I travel too much….and then we had to debate over just ordering the Sunday paper. The guy is looking at me like I seriously stole the paper, I took from him….which I wasn’t even going to read, anyway….Honestly. I only read the paper when I travel.
I swear to God, he did everything but ask me….”If you had no intention of ordering the paper, why did you just take one”
So….my lesson is don’t just take the newspaper, from the guy at the grocery store, to be nice.